All About BlitHub

BlitHub is intended to be both a useful repository of games for the 32Blit handheld, and also a repository of knowledge. As such, contributors are encouraged to open source their games, and provide links to their source code. You will often find these links on the pages for individual Blits.

Contributors are also welcomed (and encouraged!) to link to other platforms, such as their pages where you may be able to find versions of their Blits for other platforms (the 32Blit toolchain makes it very easy to build for Windows, Linux and MacOS), as well as ways to support them. You can find these links on the individual Blit pages as well as the Contributor pages.

Everybody is welcome to become a Contributor and add their own work to our community. All you need is a Github account (well, and ideally a Blit or two to share!); that way you don't need to remember yet another password.

You can view a log of changes made to the site, although this may not be as exciting as I think :-)