BlitHub Blits

This page lists all the 32Blit games and applications that have been added to our ever-growing library.

Please note that categories are not always set by developers at the moment, so 'none' will include a lot of games and other things (this will improve as more developers get used to the full range of metadata).

Categories :
Blit Category Description Contributor Latest Version
Save the Castle game Protect the castle from the enemies lummi01 v0.2.0 Alpha Release
Alien Attack game Shooter lummi01 v0.0.4 Alpha Release
Missile Command game classic arcade shooter lummi01 v0.1.0 Beta Release
Dodge'em game classic racer lummi01 v1.0.0 Released
PicoVision demo A PicoVision on your PicoVision... or other device. Daft-Freak v1.0.0 Unknown State
MJPEG Player media player Simple video player using MJPEG. Daft-Freak v0.8.1 Released
Music Player media player Plays MP3 and Ogg Vorbis files. Daft-Freak v0.8.1 Released
Tower game build your tower and reach the sky. lummi01 v1.0.0 Released
32Blit Tower game build your tower and reach the sky. lummi01 v0.0.4 Alpha Release
Game of life game Conway's life simulation for 32Blit lummi01 v0.3.0 Beta Release
Dino game Chrome Dino for 32Blit lummi01 v0.6.0 Beta Release
Super Blit Kart game "Mode7"-based racing game. Daft-Freak v0.7.1 Beta Release
Bounce game simple reaction game lummi01 v1.0.0 Released
Minesweeper game Minesweeper game for 32blit console ArtemHarkusha v0.0.3 Alpha Release
2048 game 32blit clone of the popular 2048 puzzle game ArtemHarkusha v1.0.1 Released
Rookery game Play Chess against the computer - easy to beat ! mikerr v0.0.6 Released
Jetpac game Classic 80s game - collect parts of your rocket and fuel it up mikerr v1.0.5 Released
Asteroids game classic space shooter lummi01 v0.2.0 Beta Release
4 in a row game classic board game lummi01 v0.2.0 Beta Release
Snake Race game there can never be too many snake games! lummi01 v1.0.0 Released
Jetman game Drive the lunar rover to blow up the alien base mikerr v1.0.0 Alpha Release
yarmico2 game Scrolln and Trolln gwald v1.0.1 Released
Gate Keeper game A RPG for the 32blit and PicoSystem retro consoles Blackhawk-TA v1.0.1 Released
Retro-Racer game Pseudo 3D Racing Game for 32Blit lummi01 v0.0.1 Beta Release
Free-Red game A sliding block puzzle like Rush Hour. lummi01 v1.0.0 Released
Yarmico game Stop the dropping things gwald v1.0.0 Released
Armadillo game, arcade Space exploration and combat game felipemanga v0.0.1 Beta Release
10-10 Amico Again action, game A 32blit exclusive. EPILEPSY & OFFENSIVE CONTENT WARNING! An action game based on Tommy Tallarico's social marketing. 10-10-amico-again Unknown State
You only tap once game maybe not a real game... lummi01 v1.0.1 Released
Othello game Board Game lummi01 v1.0.0 Released
Cannonhead Clash game Atari2600 VCS Homebrew Clone lummi01 v1.0.0 Released
Sigma Colonies game game description WyvernSpite v0.0.1 Alpha Release
10-10 Amico Again 2022 action, game MAJOR SEIZURE & LANGUAGE WARNING! A social marketing, action game based on Tommy Tallarico's family friendly console Intv Amico! 10-10-amico-again FINAL-BETA Released
Seaquest game Submarine action lummi01 v0.8.3 Beta Release
Blockgame game A game about blocks. ali1234 v0.3.2 Beta Release
Polyhedral none Manipulation of polyhedral shapes. Using .hpp to define model and keeping a depth buffer 32bitwoody v0.33.0210 Unknown State
Timing utility Shows all the timings Daft-Freak v1.0.0 Beta Release
Pitfall Harry game jump & run lummi01 v0.2.2 Beta Release
unknown none The blit file cannot be parsed lummi01 unknown Unknown State
Miner Willy game Welcome back Miner Willy of manic miner / jetset willy fame mikerr v1.0.5 Released
Screen Mode utility Screen mode test Daft-Freak v1.1.0 Released
Stickman demo Stickman mikerr v0.0.2 Alpha Release
Blitdoku game Sudoku for blit32 32bitwoody v0.6 Unknown State
Dune II game The original RTS - harvest spice, build your base and commmand your army to destroy the enemy. mikerr v1.0.6 Alpha Release
Pigs n Kings jumpnrun Hail to the king, piggies! LordEidi v0.9.rc1 Beta Release
Blit Racers! game Micro machines style racer shane-powell v0.9.3 Released
Invader game Space Invader Clone for 32Blit lummi01 v0.2.1 Beta Release
Tower Defense game A simple tower defense game for the 32Blit and Pico retro consoles Blackhawk-TA v1.0.0 Released
unknown none The blit file cannot be parsed deckerego unknown Unknown State
Dark Iridium Five shmup Bullet hell on 32blit LordEidi v0.0.4 Alpha Release
Super Square Bros. game It's a platformer. ThePythonator v0.9.14 Released
Rocks And Diamonds none A classic game of rock-dodging, boulder-dashing action. Gadgetoid v0.0.5 Beta Release
Dots game Connect the dots Gadgetoid v0.0.3 Alpha Release
FourBlock Descent game Make lines with falling blocks. Daft-Freak v0.3.0 Beta Release
Isocars game Chase the ambulance ! mikerr v0.0.4 Alpha Release
3dcube demo Spinning 3d cube, wireframe/ solid / textured mikerr v1.0.6 Released
Wakka Wakka game Wakka wakka - pacman mikerr v1.0.2 Alpha Release
Audio Demo utility Interactively adjust various audio parameters Daft-Freak v1.0.2 Beta Release
Launcher launcher Not the greatest launcher. Daft-Freak v1.0.2 Beta Release
LEdit utility Line Editor ThatOtherOtherBob v1.0.0 Released
Lua engine 32blit Lua engine Gadgetoid v0.0.3 Alpha Release
A-Maze game Find the exit of randomly generated mazes. andreban v0.4.0 Alpha Release
Fracking fractals game Explore fractals mikerr v1.0.3 Released
Solitaire game card game ThatOtherOtherBob v1.0.0 Released
Cloth Demo none A demo of Verlet Integration. Could do with some work. ThePythonator v0.4.0 Beta Release
Wasm3 engine Port of a fast WebAssembly interpreter. Daft-Freak v0.5.0-b0 Alpha Release
Sierpinski Triangle demo Draws a Sierpinski Triangle ThatOtherOtherBob v1.0.2 Released
Sierpenski Triangle demo Draws a Sierpenski Triangle ThatOtherOtherBob v1.0.1 Released
Font Helper utility Utility to draw characters for new fonts ThatOtherOtherBob v1.0.0 Released
PolyBlit demo A low-poly demo. ThePythonator v0.1.5 Alpha Release
Hunt the Wumpus game Text Based Adventure ThatOtherOtherBob v1.0.0 Released
32Blox game A breakout clone ahnlak v1.0.0 Released
DaftBoy32. emulator Yet another slightly unfinished Game Boy (Color) Emulator! Daft-Freak v1.4.1 Unknown State
Shooter game Space Shooter lummi01 v0.1.8 Beta Release
MagicEye demo MagicEye - autostereogram, 3D image creator mikerr v1.0.5 Released
tictactoe game Tic Tac Toe IkerGarcia v1.0.0 Released
rpssl game Rock Paper Scissors Spock Lizard IkerGarcia v1.2.0 Released
Simon Says game Brain training lummi01 v1.0.1 Released
SokoBlit game A crate-shuffling good time! ahnlak v0.0.1 Alpha Release
Eternal Horror game Survival horror shooter game anarkavre v1.0.0 Beta Release
Multiplayer Test utility Test the multiplayer API ali1234 v0.0.2 Beta Release
Snake game Simple Snake Game lummi01 v1.0.1 Released
xmas demo Falling snowflakes, parallax & accelerometer mikerr v1.0.3 Released
Starfield game 3D starfield game with added lasers mikerr v1.0.3 Released
Sprite browser utility Sprite browser. Show spritesheets and zoom in on indiviual sprites. mikerr v1.0.3 Released
Keypad utility Keypad numeric entry with joystick mikerr v1.0.2 Beta Release
BitmapStuff demo Testing bitmap/sprite rotation mikerr v1.0.2 Released
Knight Lore 84 game The first Isometric 3d game - Sabreman has 40 days to collect items for the wizard to lift the werewolf's curse mikerr v1.0.2 Alpha Release
Vector3d demo 3d cubes, rotating and zooming mikerr v1.0.2 Released
Missile Command game Defend your cities from incoming missile attacks mikerr v1.0.2 Released
Car Sprint game Car racing, inspired by super sprint racing mikerr v1.0.4 Released
Dungeon Tile game Dungeon Crawler Prototype shane-powell v0.0.1 Alpha Release
Powder Keg game Bomberman Clone. shane-powell v0.0.1 Alpha Release
Adv Lawnmower Simulator game Port of the legendary Amiga game. shane-powell v1.0.1 Released
Blit Boing! game Pong for blit! Based on Boing! from code the classics volume 1. shane-powell v0.6.0 Released
Spout game Go as high as you can in the least amount of time. wdevore v1.0.4 Released
Blitwatch none Stopwatch 32bitwoody v0.8.019 Unknown State
DOOM port It runs. Daft-Freak v1.2.0 Released
SD Test utility How fast is this card? Daft-Freak v1.0.1 Released
Game Boy Emu emulator Yet another slightly unfinished Game Boy (Color) Emulator! Daft-Freak v1.4.0 Beta Release
COOP none A space invader based game 32bitwoody v0.7.0 Unknown State
3D Demo none With real-time lighting. ali1234 v0.0.0 Unknown State
Fruit2048 none Fruit based 2048 game. 32bitwoody v1.1.019 Unknown State
Marble Maze game Get the marble to the exit. ThePythonator v0.5.7 Alpha Release
Waveform Demo demo A demo of the 32blit's waveform generator. ThePythonator v0.3.0 Released
ArkaBlit game Break the blocks. ThePythonator v0.7.1 Beta Release
Sprite Editor none Sprite Editor Gadgetoid v0.0.3 Unknown State
Jumpy Squirrel game Squirrels can fly. ThePythonator v1.2.0 Released
Babble game Find as many words as you can in 90 seconds. Daft-Freak v1.0.0 Released
Ping! game Not Pong. ThePythonator v1.0.1 Released